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restraint factor中文是什么意思

用"restraint factor"造句"restraint factor"怎么读"restraint factor" in a sentence


  • 约束因子


  • Consideration of restraint factors and countermeasures of the governing capability construction
  • Restraint factors analysis of the pe contest market development of china in the 21st century
  • Optical engine , the key system for imaging , has turned into a restraint factor for the development of lcos projection display
  • In the coming years , water will be the first restraint factor to realizing yield potential of winter wheat in shunyi district , 3
    而实际灌溉条件下产量达到5946kg hm ~ 2 ,由此可见不同水分限制条件下产量呈现较大差异。
  • This paper narrates the characters of hotel industry and makes comparison of developing course , status quo , patterns and current between domestic corporations and foreign ones to detect the restraint factors to domestic corporations
  • Medium industry ( especially accounting and audit service industry ) is the important symbol of a country ’ s economic development level , and the important basis and supporting terms of promoting business ’ even area ’ s and country ’ s core competencies 。 with the entry into wto , chinese cpa firms ’ outer and inner environments have changed greatly , international competition has changed into chinese competition and chinese competition has internationalized 。 under such complex environments , whether the chinese cpa firms will occupy a place of their own and will not be eliminated through various market competition is decided by core competition 。 on the basis of introducing of research background and the meaning of this title ’ s choice , the paper first probes into the profound learning of core competition theory , retrospects and evaluates the primary views of core competition theory of overseas and chinese scholars , then analyzes and evaluates the cultivating theory of core competition and analyzes the sources and theory basis of core competition from economics and management course 。 on the basis of the above analysis , the paper analyzes the inner restraint factors of chinese cpa firm ’ s gaining competition advantages , in the meanwhile , the paper discusses the outer opportunity and challenge of chinese cpa firms 。 in the end , the paper puts forward large scale business strategy according to “ scale economics ” theory ’ s explanation to core competition and non ? audit service strategy according to “ economics of scope ” theory ’ s explanation to core competition 。
用"restraint factor"造句  
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